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Imperial Russian Ballet

Established in 1994, the Imperial Russian Ballet company has certainly made a great name for itself. Producing a number of outstanding full-length and mixed ballet performances, the Imperial Russian Ballet features outstanding dancers, exquisite choreography and absolute excellence in all aspects. Originally known as Pilgrim dance, this prestigious ballet company has flourished from a small group of stars to a magnificent touring company.

Gedeminas Taranda and Nikolai Ankhine founded the Imperial Russian Ballet company in April 1994 on the suggestion of well-known Maija Plisetzkaya, a Russian ballerina. This fantastic dancer went on to become a Honorable President of the new Russian ballet company. It was decided the company would be named the Imperial Russian Ballet in honor of the Imperial Family as well as the masters of the Russian Classical Ballet School, all of whom had made vital contributions to Russian culture. The Imperial Russian Ballet company is unique in that it has created its own school, situated in Moscow.

Typically the choreographic style seen in the company's productions is classical. They do, however, include certain aspects of modern dance in some of their works. Amongst their repertoire is a blend of classical pieces as well as modern choreography. Famous ballet teachers of the company provide artists in the Imperial Russian Ballet company with additional training. Amongst these excellent ballet teachers are N. Osipian, A. Bondarenko, A. Kudelin and E. Vlasova. The company is made up of 40 artists from outstanding Russian ballet schools in Perm, Moscow and St. Petersburg. The company has also seen a number of soloists in its ranks.

The Imperial Russian Ballet company has been on tours to countries around the world over the years. Some of these countries are Japan, Austria, Spain, Finland, Portugal, Germany, Brazil, Uruguay, Italy, France, Switzerland, Lithuania and Luxembourg. When they are not performing in foreign countries, they can be seen in local Russian Theatres. The company has received much recognition for its full-size performances of Tchaikovsky's “Nutcracker”, “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty” and Adam's “Giselle”. Examples of their One Act ballets are Chopin's “Chopiniana”, Bizet's “Carmen”, Stravinsky's “Petrushka”, Gounot's “Valpurgis Night” and Piazzolla's “Tango Novella”. If you happen to be in Russia whilst the Imperial Russian Ballet company is performing, be sure to get your ticket!

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